
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Quick Notes

Just wanted to remind everyone that Gay Ann Rogers is continuing to post tips for improving needlework for stitchers of all abilities on her website. This is a run-up to her releasing her next big counted project, the portrait of Catherine the Great, in early May.  When that happens, the tips will disappear so read through them now.  The latest lesson is featured on this page, but you can read them all by clicking on the various buttons at the bottom left side of the page.

If you aren't familiar with Gay Ann Rogers' counted canvaswork portraits, check out this video featuring her Queen Elizabeth I along with two smaller portraits of Mary, Queen of Scots and Bess of Hardwick.  She says Catherine will be much more opulent in keeping with her style and her age.

In other news, I am posting a lot of new stitch guide information on the CH Stitch Guides blog this month.  Guides are available everywhere these days!  Don't forget to check in periodically to keep up with stitch guide news or just find out how to contact the stitch guide writer you want to reach.  To go there, just click on the photo of the magic carpet in the right hand column of this page.  You'll magically be transported to that blog.  Click on the magic carpet there and you will fly back to Blog.

I'm also planning to blog stitch a piece once I finish my current project.  Stay tuned for that announcement shortly....

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright April 9, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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