
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Linda's First Needlepoint

Linda's Tiger, Carefully Saved

Recently I asked folks about their first piece of needlepoint and got this lovely note from Linda P.:

"I first started to needlepoint when I was about 12 years old - we were on a trip to a desolate area in the middle of NY State. While my father went to look at a piece of property my mother took us kids for a walk (along side a semi highway) yards from a motel to a five and dime store. I saw a needlepoint kit of a tiger and asked if I could have it (it was expensive after all) - my mother bought it for me and I couldn't put it down. At one point I had to as I was going so fast the needle heated up and was burning my fingers !!! LOL I have been at it - off and on - ever since.

Linda's First Three Projects, Carefully Saved

I found the tiger and 2 others (still in the packages and I even saved the leftover thread - I refuse to tell you how old that stash is !! LOL)  I am giving you 3 pictures, one of just the tiger, one of 3 started pieces I did and my latest finished project, one of Melissa Shirley's pears. Sort of a start to present you might say.
Looking forward to reading the blog and seeing other peoples stories on how they started."

Linda's Curly Cue Golden Pear from Melissa Shirley
Linda, thank you so much!  I loved the story of the tiger you couldn't put down and it was great to see your first projects as well as the current one.  I appreciate your sharing your beginning steps on your own needlepoint adventure.

If you want to share the story of your first project, just email me at chilly hollow at hot mail dot com. Photos are wonderful (we stitchers are all about the eye candy) but not necessary.  We love hearing about your beginnings and telling about ours.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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© Copyright June 18, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


  1. The picture of the pear doesnot do it justice. I stitch with Linda at Ridgewood Needlepoint. the pear in perosn is stunning.


    1. I thought the pear very elegant so I bet in person it's wonderful. Cameras are blind to the sheen of silks and the sparkle of beads, crystals and metallics. Thanks, Meredith.


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