
Sunday, September 22, 2019

Kreink Spools Lose Their Labels UPDATED

Kreinik's latest posting is about their struggles to help their spools keep labels in place longer.  It's interesting to learn that their label machine is broken and they are struggling to get it fixed. Mechanics for this sort of thing are no longer available so it's hard on a small business.

My spools lose labels occasionally but I just pop the spool and label in a Floss-Away bag and don't stress over it.

UPDATE:  Waste Knot says that they occasionally have to replace the labels on Kreinik spools. The staff use a dab of rubber cement, then hold the spool by the ends till it adheres. It seems to work pretty well.  Thanks, SL!  We appreciate knowing what the shops do to handle this issue.

Anyone else have tips?

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright September 3, 2019 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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