
Friday, August 16, 2024

Breaking News: Chart Thief on Etsy

Textured Treasures has discovered that the Etsy shop "BettsVintagePatterns" is selling PDF versions of one of Textured Treasures' charts.  This person is also selling other designers' work as his/her own.  Fortunately, after a lot of folks complained on Karen's behalf, Etsy pulled the sale.  It looks like the seller has stopped all sales, too.  Hopefully this is for good.  

If you want to buy a real Textured Treasures chart, just visit Karen's website.  She sells kits, too.  A friend is stitching From Dusk to Dawn, and it is stunning!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright August 15, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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