
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

783,919 Pages Views at Yahoo 360

Sometime yesterday Yahoo 360 shut its doors. When I go to the URL, I get a message directing me to the Yahoo Profile where old content is archived. It's no substitute for a real blog and I can't see posting things there as there is no easy way to navigate. If it was the record of my life in high school, it wouldn't matter but Yahoo Profiles don't work for me now.

Sad to see it go, however. The last count I was able to take was 783,919 page views and there are 400-800 page views a day right up to the end, down from 1200-2000 page views in the wintertime when more people seem to read Blog.

I hope all those folks know where to go now and can read Blog!

The photo above is a close up of the cactus flower that bloomed last night on the front porch. The plant itself is over five and a half feet tall now and at least 30 years old. It bloomed for the first time last year. The flowers open at night and close the next morning. I am testing a new photo format so this is a test but I thought you might enjoy seeing such transient beauty. By lunchtime the flower will have closed and started to shrivel up. In a few days it will fall off the plant, leaving a cluster of three needle-sharp spines behind.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. I know, it was sad! But, your cactus flower is gorgeous. what is the new photo format you are using??? Inquiring minds....

  2. I'm testing using png instead of jpg. I've discovered that jpg files are already as compressed as they can get but png files will compress if you need them to.

    Later on I'll post two images of the same thing in two formats and ask everyone if they open the same, are as large and detailed as the other, etc.

  3. Ok, I give....what is phg?

  4. PNG is a photo format, like jpeg (or jpg) and tif and so forth. The different formats do different things apparently. I'm running into trouble compressing documents that contain jpegs as they already as are compressed as possible, so I thought I'd try png for Blog. It's preferred to jpegs but I don't know why yet.

    Gotta research this over the weekend. If anything earthshaking turns up, I'll let you know.

  5. Okay, please do, but in today's post the jpg is better.....hmmmmm....


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