
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Final Two Pet Guardian Angels

The last two pet guardian angels arrived in Chilly Hollow today and were photographed, then wrapped up and put in the box that will deliver them all to the ANG Auction Chairman for the fall auction in Milwaukee.

The last ones are very special. They are two originals stitched by Kandace Merric, the designer of the original set who not only kindly gave permission for me to share the out-of-print instructions with stitchers for the ANG fund raiser, but who out of the blue volunteered to stitch two completely new angels to be sold at auction also. You'll notice that these two angels have blue Medici wool backgrounds like the original six and that they are finished with blue silk moire backgrounds instead of the felt the other Auction angels wear on the back. I want them to stand out from the angels stitched by volunteers so that the lucky auction winner knows these are the originals!

Above is the 20th Century pet guardian angel, a sugar glider dressed in Art Deco robes. Here is a second photo of her before finishing. The color is a little more true and more details are visible. Doesn't she have the sweetest face?!

This is the 21st Century Gecko pet guardian angel, dressed in stitches and threads meant to evoke space and the metal and plastic outfits astronauts wear. I wish you could see the delicate silver stars and see the gentle sparkle of the ecru trim, standup collar and fancy sleeve decoration on this angel. It is beautifully stitched. In the background you see the sugar glider's back side, just to give you a flavor of how beautifully finished these two pet guardian angels are.
Here is a photo of the gecko before finishing, which shows off the stars a bit better.

Aren't these amazing? If you would like to see all the pet guardian angels destined for the auction, click on the photo of Needlepoint Plus magazine on the left. The original set are also shown. I can't thank Kandace Merric enough for her support for this project. When I mail off the angels tomorrow I will be a bit sad to see them go but they are going to raise funds for ANG and show off the dedication and stitching skills of the volunteers who made them and the wonderful designs that Kandy created for our stitching pleasure.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. Jane, Thank you from all of ANG for organizing this wonderful collection of Pet Guardian Angels. As the Incoming Auction Chairman, I cannot wait to see what these Angels bring in. Thank you also to Kandace Merric for generously allowing us to stitch her beautiful designs.

    Nancy Robertson
    Incoming Auction Chair

  2. Nancy, we expect a full report (with pictures) of all the auction fun when the pet guardian angels are unveiled and sold!

    Hug the auction winner for us, ok?

  3. These are both amazing! I can't decide if I have a favorite!

  4. It would be very hard to pick a favorite, which is probably why ANG is auctioning them off as a set!


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