
Friday, February 12, 2010

Now We Wait

I have been t-stitching miles of background around my leaping deer on the tap pants canvas.  It is boring work but perfect to do while watching tv.  I am currently addicted to the Weather Channel.  You can get 2-4 rows of t-stitch done while waiting for an update to the D.C. weather!

By the way, Judy Harper has published a diagram for her version of t-stitch which is larger than the version I'm working.  It probably will work up a lot faster than mine.  There are endless variations on stitches and also endless names for the same stitch, aren't there?

While I stitch, I am thinking about Tony Minieri's Stars for the New Millennium. I want to work on it a little after the SharonG lingerie set is finished.  I have been reading about progress made on Stars at the Scarlet Thread stitching group and planning how I'll work the canvas.  You can read about Sara Leigh's plan of attack here.

I think I will work this top down, which means I will need to do all three borders across the top before I start the first quilt block star.  The order in which these stars are worked in the instructions is from the top row down, working left to right for each row.  (Of course I don't have to follow the instructions' order of stitching but I probably will.  Otherwise you all will rat me out to Tony Minieri!)  That means I can do mix up stitching star blocks, left and right side borders, and sashing sections between the quilt blocks.  That seems a sensible plan to me. I won't be bored and I'll keep my hands and arms off the stitching I've already done.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. Your version (ANG) of T-Stitch on this canvas is a better selection. Mine covers the canvas - so your version serves a different purpose. It enhances the deer, I think, by letting them stand out from the background. Different texture. My version would be a mess on this canvas.

  2. Judy, your version looks so nice on your piece and I was sick of stitching t-stitches! Bet yours stitched up faster than mine, but of course on my canvas it just adds a touch of color to make the deer less prominent. Different situation and slightly different results.

    Thanks for posting that diagram, though. I may use it elsewhere!

  3. You are almost done! Bet you get this finished before the weekend is over!


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