
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Overcast, With Stash Sighted

Last night I worked a bit on the t-stitch background behind my SharonG tap pants but I only got half way through the remaining area.  Somehow I didn't have the energy or focus necessary to get through the last part of the background.  I'll work on it today and try to finish.  I think all the snow shoveling has caught up with me. I am just plain tired.  I even took a nap yesterday, which I almost never do.

I suppose all stitchers go through some down times when they lose interest in their current project or can't muster the energy to stitch.  When I hit that wall, I start work on the next project, so yesterday I pulled out my stitch dictionaries and started looking for stitches for the next painted canvas project.  I pulled a selection of threads from my stash and started organizing myself to stitch something new.  You'll have to wait a week or so to see what it is, however.  I am planning to work on the borders of Stars before beginning a new painted canvas project.

That reminds me.  Several folks mentioned they were not working Tony Minieri's Stars for the New Millennium as a project--they were trying out various color combinations for the quilt block stars and making ornaments of the results.  I think that's a great idea!  Anyone who is a bit dubious about their color choices could stitch up a star and see how it looks.  They will make lovely ornaments.

I noticed this morning that Melita is working Gayle Bicknell's Pieces of Eight in sections.  She is making napkin rings using three sections done in a row.  This is another way to stitch those big projects.  If you can break them up, stitching the whole thing doesn't seem so overwhelming.

For those not familiar with Pieces of Eight, here is the original model.

I'm still going to stitch my Stars as a major project.  I just wanted to mention that there are plenty of other ways to stitch it and it might help those unsure of color choices for the big piece to make up their minds.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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