
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Candy Cane Dog Stocking

Elmer the Candy Cane Dog stocking is finished!

Now he will be put away with the Joan Thomasson Surfin' Santa to wait for Christmas present time. Have you realized by now I'm devoting the bulk of this year to making small Christmas ornaments for my family and friends?

Elmer's trim around the edges is Facets from Kreinik.  This is a trim that looks rather like metallic square beads.  You can see the various colors available here.

I looked at the gold, silver, red and both shades of blue before deciding that I would couch the lightest shade of blue all around the stocking. I did put two rows at the top of the tiny stocking, just because one row looked skimpy.  I used the regular Facets, not the Petite Facets.

The back side is blue velvet and the inside is blue chintz fabric.  I also added a few dangles made from the crystal cubes and the Sundance #11 and #14 hex crystal beads to make the stocking a little more fancy.  I think that if the stocking turns on the tree, the rear view will be pretty, even if it isn't as charming as Elmer himself is.

I think the stocking is really cute and was amazed that it took me only a little over a week to stitch.  Of course I worked each night on this but it still worked up fast.  Elmer is not very big.  The "ankle" is only around 3 inches wide and the stocking almost 6 inches tall.  That makes for a difficult finish.  Next time I won't make something this small a real stocking.

He's a cutie, though. I am so glad he caught my eye and came home with me!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. Ah, he's a adorable! My canvas should arrive any day now; I can hardly wait to start him. The step-by-step was wonderful Jane. Thanks. Indiana Robin

  2. Too cute, you stitching-speedster! I really like beaded finishing. Your family is very lucky to receive your talents. Looking forward to your next project. OK, it's time for the rest of us to get stitching. Thanks for sharing, Jane.

  3. You are welcome, Robin. You know I am dying to see your Kirk and Hamilton piece finished. But I know life gets in the way. It will for me today. I doubt I'll get any stitching done with all the errands that must be done. Sigh.

  4. Good luck with your candy cane dog, IR. I hope you enjoy him as much as I did mine! Send photos when you finish, ok? Everyone would love to see another version of this really cute canvas.

  5. It is wonderful! It is great funto have a quick project amongst the large ones!

  6. Elmer looks great! the fact the he is not very big (a puppy stocking?) means you won't need to find alot of presents to fill him with! Yes, I'm cheap...
    Happy Stitchin'...
    An encyclopedia of needlepoint stitches…

  7. LOL Good point, Carolyn.

    Jane, also cheap and laughing in CH


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