
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Woodlawn 2010 in Photos

As promised the Woodlawn Plantation exhibit is viewable in photographs this year.  Here is the link to the photo album.  I think what we see are all the first, second and third place winners.  Note the stickers on the id labels.  Blue is for first place, red for second and orange for third place winners. The name, age (junior or adult), state and technique are also on the labels.

This is a really great idea and I commend Nelly's Needlers for doing this.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. Oh, wonderful! (Drat, I should've got something entered this year...!)

  2. Thank you, Jane! I'm so glad you shared this link. Isn't all this work just amazing! I've "re-blogged" on LilyStitch.

  3. Thanks, Christa. I bet a lot of folks are very happy to see all the JE, especially since it looks like the pieces are hung together in a dark corner in the main parlor next to large windows. It's going to be very hard to see them in person, especially since they are 10 feet from the ropes keeping people away from the pieces. I heard there were 36 pieces of JE on exhibit. Can't wait to see them in person but I bet I won't see nearly as much as is shown in these photos.

    Kudos to Nelly's Needlers for arranging this!

  4. Jane--Thanks so much for posting this link. I've entered this show for several years, but due to my work schedule have never been able to see the exhibit in person. It's so cool to see the other pieces entered, how they are displayed, etc. If anyone wants to look, I won ribbons on two of my four entries. They are pictures 63 and 65a and 65b.

    Carol Sylvester

  5. Congratulations, Carol! I'll look carefully at your pieces. It is fun to see a piece whose stitcher you know.

  6. Hi Jane! Just to close a loop for you...this year my Japanese embroidery teacher, Tonie Evans, coordinated all of her students to submit japanese embroidery pieces for submission to the show. During the snowstorm, she and her husband packed up all 36 pieces and lovingly transported them to Woodlawn so that we would be there en masse! Thank you for your post and to Nelly Needles for the pictures! I'm not able to go to the show until Monday but I was happy to see that some of my friends won awards, and I won a second. I didn't really expect anything so that was nice. I am very glad to hear how pleased people were in seeing the large group of Japanese embroidery on display and I will give the positive feedback to my instructor. She'll be delighted!

  7. I will be glad to see so much JE all in one place myself. Please thank Ms. Evans for doing this!


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