
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What's Next? The Doctor, Of Course

I should go back to Tony Minieri's Stars for the New Millennium and work another quilt block but I have a quick ornament I want to do next.  My niece has become enamored of the Dr. Who series on BBC America, so I am going to stitch an ornament for her that will remind her of all the fun we've had talking about what has been a favorite series of mine since the mid-1970s which she has just discovered.  The actors above are Tom Baker (left) who is my favorite Doctor, the 4th in the series and the just retired 10th Doctor (right), David Tennant, who is my niece's favorite actor in the part.

For those who aren't familiar with this vaguely sci-fi series, Dr. Who is a Time Lord who travels around the universe, having adventures. There are a lot of possibilities to choose between when it comes to picking something to stitch from a British tv show that has been on for decades.  I know I'll need something that is easy to translate into NP, which means something with fairly straight edges (circles are hard to do in NP) that is instantly recognizable despite my lack of drawing skills.

I could use the new logo but although I think it is clever, it doesn't really do much for me.

I could use something iconic like K-9, the 4th Doctor's pet.  However, my niece hasn't seen him on any of the shows since she is just familiar with the 10th Doctor.  (By the way, ten actors have played the Doctor and the eleventh Doctor is due to premiere on BBC American in mid-April.)  So this shape would mean more to me than to her.

But one thing has remained virtually unchanged throughout the series, and that is the vehicle the Doctor travels in--his TARDIS.  It's in the shape of an old fashioned English police call box.  Inside, it is huge (larger on the inside than on the outside) and the interior design has changed with the Doctors.  But outside, well, it has remained virtually the same.  So this is what I will create for my niece--the TARDIS.

Tomorrow I'll talk about how I transferred the design to NP canvas.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. My first thoughts on this were, "Of course, The Tardis"
    Funny - Tom Baker is my only Dr. Who, as Jeremy Brett is Sherlock Holmes, and Joan Hickson is Jane Marple! No matter how well other actors perform these roles, it is just not "right".

  2. Hi Jane--I have heard rumors that the next Dr. will be female! I don't get to see Dr. Who as often as I would like, as my cable company doesn't carry BBC America (such a shame). Love the theme music as well!

    Carol Sylvester

  3. Alas, David T has left us. I'm in mourning.

  4. K-9 should be known by your niece. Although the Tardis is the one constant. The 10th doctor had an episode with Sarah Jane & K-9. Anthony Michael Head was the "bad guy" in that episode. Tennent's Doctor also said goodbye to the two of them at the final episode. If you can also figure out a way to incorporate it, perhaps you could add in a Sonic Screwdriver. That piece of equipment was used by just about all the incarnations of the Doctor.

  5. Our cable does not carry it either! I wonder if we can get it on Netflix? Anyway, this looks like lots of fun!

  6. I'd forgotten that K-9 was in the episode in the school. Not one of my favorites, apparently! Well, if the TARDIS doesn't work out, I'll make a K-9 ornament. He was a good dog. LOL

    I never thought about using the sonic screwdriver. I don't think she'll recognize it by sight. I know I wouldn't!

  7. Mr. Tennant was a good Doctor, wasn't he? My niece adores him. As they say, you never forget your first Doctor....


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