
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kreinik Visits Sign of the Arrow

I've always wondered about Sign of the Arrow in St. Louis.  I've heard nice things about them but their website isn't very informative.  Fortunately, Kreinik staff has visited and interviewed the shop on the Kreinik blog.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


  1. What a fascinating article! I met a woman who worked at the Sign of the Arrow several years ago in a David McCaskill class at Quail Run in Phoenix. That was the first I'd ever heard of it and also found out it was a non-profit, which amazed me. You're right - the website doesn't tell you much - which is partially responsible for the fact that it dropped off my radar (except for a few reminders from ads in NN). Thanks!

  2. The West in Tucson is also a non-profit. Interesting business model and one that does a lot of good in their communities!

  3. I forgot about The West. I tried to find The West one time when I was on a business trip in Tucson (didn't have a GPS at the time). I even called the store when I couldn't find it, but I couldn't follow the directions (it's all vague now, but something along the lines of head toward the mountain, go partway up and you'll see us), so I had to give up and go home without visiting.

    Yes, considering that many LNS are feeling the pinch, the idea of a non-profit is intriguing, since these two seem to be staying in business, and doing well.

  4. I think the trick is that they are run mostly by volunteers, which can't be easy. But they get by and contribute to their communities, which is admirable. Come to think about it, I know of many shop owners who do things for their local area and never ever blow their own horn. My hat's off to you all!


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