
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Update to the CH Stitch Guides Blog (and Giveaway)

Sept/Oct. 2011 Needlepoint Now
I've updated the Chilly Hollow Stitch Guides blog this morning with the latest news--a secret I've kept for over eight months. How is it possible I kept my mouth shut that long?

Read all about it here.

In honor of my secret, I'm giving away two copies of the September/October 2011 Needlepoint Now which should go out in the mail shortly to shops and subscribers.  There are two rules:  post a comment here to be in the drawing for one of the two copies, and you can't be a subscriber already.  Let's let folks who haven't signed up for this magazine yet have a shot.

I'll close the contest Sunday night and pick two random winners to announce next Monday morning, September 12.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


  1. Jane, can't wait to see it! I'd love to win a copy for myself.

  2. I've been curious about Needlepoint Now magazine, so I'd love to win one and check it out. Your article sounds interesting, too.
    Joan T

  3. Thank you for the giveaway, Jane...being one of the random winners would be fantastic.

  4. Well, I tried to post this comment and lost it once (heavy rain and power flickers at work). I am posting to congratulate Jane, not enter the contest. I already receive NN in the mail and usually buy a second copy at my LNS, so I have an issue to carry around and one to keep safely at home.

    Congratulations, Jane! Soon, all of the NN readers will get to appreciate your creativity in stitching. I look forward to getting my copy soon!

  5. How exciting! Congratulations, Jane! I'm not a subscriber and would love to win a copy of the magazine.

  6. Congratulations Jane! That is wonderful news! And in my fav magazine (not subscriber though)! I am so glad more people will find out how talented you are!

  7. I'd love to win a copy of the new magazine. I have to tune in to your blog everyday for the latest. Thanks for the inspiration you provide!

  8. Adding my congrats here too! don't enter me in the contest as I subscribe! So very pleased for you!

  9. Hi Jane

    Your description of what's in this issue ws mouthwatering! I'm not a subscriber and would love to win a copy of this issue! I need to keep the inspiration flowing after coming home from ANG San Antonio!! Thanks!


  10. It looks great Jane, so proud of you. Just wanted to post a comment to congratulate you, I am a subscriber to NN so no need to enter me. I usually wait anxiously for the next issue but this one is going to be very special. Well done

  11. Congratulations! I'd love a chance! thanks, Nacy in NY

  12. Woo-hoo for you, Jane! I'd love to win a copy. I've never gotten around to subscribing and just pick up the occasional copy at my LNS.

  13. Congratulations Jane!!! I am not a subscriber to the magazine and have not seen a copy in over 2 years as I moved and no longer have access to an LNS.

    Ina (pearsoninaATyahooDOTcom)


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