
Monday, December 19, 2011

The Finished Scarabs Ring Jewelry Box

dede Odgen's Scarab Rings Canvas Finished
I thought you'd like to see photos of the finished jewelry box. The box itself is from Sudberry and seems to have been discontinued. Too bad, it is well made and quite lovely. The design is from dede Odgen. You can still purchase this canvas and others of ethnic jewelry on navy canvas from Canvases Be Gone.  Search the site using "dede jewelry" to bring up the selection.

Drawer pulled out. There's an upper section when you lift the lid also.
I bet some shops have some from the series in their inventory, too, but Google didn't turn any of those up.  If you are a shop with one of these for sale, or if you have one of these nice Sudberry watch boxes, please tell me in the Comments section or email me at chilly hollow at hot mail dotcom and I'll post it here.  Thanks!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


  1. Beautiful! Such a lovely gift. Thanks for sharing the finished box.


  2. Jane, your Scarab Ring/Jewelry Box is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

    I'll be inserting the Lotus Squared into the HP Black Lacquered box. Any helpful hints... other than measure twice, cut once? LOL.

    Oh... and looking forward to seeing your ideas for Belleza Halloween.

    Merry Christmas. Hugs, Robin

  3. Robin, cut out a paper pattern and make sure it fits perfectly before you cut your canvas to fit. You probably won't need to do anything else. Those HP boxes are well made and should hole your Lotus Squared beautifully, but I do often put a piece of tissue lame fabric under my stitching if there is an open stitch background for more shine. The tissue-thin lame gives sparkle, especially under artificial lights.

  4. What a lucky gal! It it gorgeous!

  5. Thanks, Pat. The granddaughter loves jewelry and ancient Egyptian history so we hope she'll like it.


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