
Monday, October 8, 2012

New Clubs and New Gossip

Ever since someone asked what monthly clubs are on Facebook's Needlepoint Group, I've been busy adding shop clubs I didn't know about or had forgotten about to the list I maintain here.  (If you want to see the list, just click on the Monthly Clubs tab above.  Clicking on Home brings you back here.)

Amy Bunger reminded me that her Home Study pieces are a sort of monthly club so I added the current and past Home Studies to the list.  Then Amy started dropping hints about her Home Study project for 2013.  We know courtesy of Jackie that the designer Amy will use is female and that the project won't be holiday themed.  Amy added, "Designer not used before on another Home Study....not dimensional, but odds are it won't be framed either......and you may quote me."


That Amy is a very wicked tease!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


  1. I can't imagine. Not dimensional, so not a house or an ark, but not framed. Hmmm....

    1. Shoes? Jewelry? No, not really big enough as these Home Study projects go on for months. I haven't a clue!

  2. I will investigate when I get there next week. Maybe a banner of some sort? Not like the Christmas banner, but more like a flag??


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