
Monday, October 8, 2012

Paternayan Update

Just got a note with an update on the status of bringing Paternayan back into production from Ken at Saco River Dye House.   Here is what Ken had to say:

1. The new steam boiler (the heart of our dyehouse) arrives in 2 weeks and should be installed by the end of October. The hoist was installed this week and the dye tanks will be installed next week. We hope to resume dyeing the week of Nov. 12.

2. We already have a sample of Paternayan yarn from one spinning company and a second will be available in 2 weeks. Our dye master, Don Morton (the former dyemaster at JCA) is working with the first company to make some changes in twist to bring the yarn to spec. It will be nice to have two suppliers. We are also looking at all sources for the raw fiber including an upcoming discussion with a wool broker from New Zealand. We fully understand how important it is to "get it right".

3. We plan to have a small booth at TNNA in Long Beach [2013] for Paternayan. We are excited to use this venue as a platform for re-introduction of the yarn and to "tell the story". We are filling out the application this week and Donna Joseph, our Paternayan account representative will be joining us. Donna is a familiar name and voice to many of the former Paternayan customers.

4. We still have some Paternayan Tapestry and crewel yarn in stock. We are sorting the inventory out, it is a slow process, but we should have some sense of what is currently available within two weeks. We were not planning on remanufacturing the Tapestry or crewel until we understand what the demand might be.

5. Finally, we purchased the rights and are in the process of completing the legal steps necessary to transfer the Elsa Williams trademarks, kit line and other assets associated with all the Elsa Williams production. As part of our purchase, we have a lot of Elsa Williams yarn in stock, the books of patterns with face and direction sheets, silk screens, etc. Our focus, however, is to ensure the availability and quality of Paternayan yarn and we do not intend to produce kits. Once we have completed the legal transfer of all the marks, we will be offering the Elsa Williams' line with all the yarn, the original patterns, etc for sale as a package. We have already had an expression of interest from someone that has a sincere interest in maintaining the unique history and quality of the Elsa William's line.

I hope this update helps. I really appreciate your inclusion of our plans in your blog. We are working hard to make sure the "communication" steps with Paternayan customers remains an important focus.  


Ken Raessler
P.O. Box 1477
Yarmouth, ME 04096
(207) 712-5835

Here is the website for Socco River Dyehouse.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

1 comment:

  1. My first projects as a teen were with Paternayan. Nice to see its come-back is finally coming true.


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