
Monday, September 17, 2018

Breaking News: Death Comes to Needlepoint UPDATED

It's been a sad few days in the world of needlepoint as we have lost both Mary Agnes Ruhudy Cussen of Needle Nicely in Florida and the Needle Deeva.

I enjoyed Mary Agnes' blog where she talked about the realities of owning a needlepoint shop and I loved the fun designs that the Needle Deeva gave us.  Our sympathies to their friends and families.

UPDATE:  For those unfamiliar with Needle Deeva's work, The Needlepointer was having a trunk show when news of her death broke and made two videos of the show.  You may like to browse the designs, just to see what a talent she was.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright September 17, 2018 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


  1. So sad to hear of both these deaths. I had been missing Mary Agnes blog for a while and I emailed her to inquire to her health and welfare and it went unanswered. How sad to hear why. Melody

  2. Do you have the link to Mary agnes’s Obituary? I have met her many times and I would like to reach out to her family in some way.

  3. I, too, enjoyed reading the Needle Nicely blog and learning about the challenges of owning a shop in a SnowBird area. I've been checking out her blog and waiting for her to start writing again for the upcoming season. I will miss her voice.

  4. I don't have a link to an obit. I just heard informally about losing Mary Agnes. Breaks my heart to lose two such folks in a short week!

    1. Jane, would you please email me at I'm trying to track down some finishing that Mary Agnes was working on for me.

  5. 2 great losses to the needlepoint community. I have been to Needle Nicely, and was greatly helped in my selections by Mary Agnes. We were in Vero Beach a few weeks ago, and planned a return visit - unfortunately, it had slipped my mind that she would be on summer hours & was closed. I'm sad.

  6. Anne, I attempted to email you but your email address won't accept messages. You must have it set to reject addresses you don't know, such as chilly Sorry. This is what I emailed: "Morning, Anne. Hope you are enjoying the last of the summer down on the Cape.

    I was shocked to hear that we'd lost Mary Agnes. I understand her husband died this spring, too, and they didn't have kids. So I am a little at a loss as to how to find your finishing. I assume you've called the shop and left messages?

    I could ask on Facebook's NP Nation if anyone knows who is handling the shop now if you wish. Surely there are folks in Vero Beach who are members. One of them might have information about the shop and what's going on there.

    It's possible that some of the other shop owners in the area know what's happening, too. If you like, I'll ask around.

    Good luck!
    Jane, waving from Chilly Hollow"

  7. I just discovered the sad news about Mary Agnes . I worked with her several summers when Needle Nicely was in Blowing Rock, NC. After she moved to Florida and opened Needle Nicely there, we stayed in touch for several years but ultimately lost contact. Can anyone tell me if she had been sick or what caused her death? Can someone share her obituary?

    Mary was smart and creative. She was a great person to work for and taught me almost everything I know about needlepoint. We will miss her.

    Thank you for any help.

    Sandra Daye

  8. Sandra, I think MA's death was sudden. The shop's still open I believe but I've not seen an obit. I'm sorry I don't know more but my sense is that MA would prefer a quiet exit.


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