
Monday, September 17, 2018

The Boring Party (or Greg Gutfeld is Off My Christmas Card List)

Juli saw this show on Fox News last night and posted the link to Needlepoint Nation. It's a satirical piece about elections these days but the folks who wrote us decided to use the stereotype that needlepointers are boring. Sigh.

Some days I'm glad needlepoint is under the radar.  Other days the fact that stereotypes like these still exist makes me mad.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright September 16, 2018 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


  1. This is a hoot. Thanks for posting this. We all know that needlepointers are far from boring, but they got the attitude right--no one gets near my needles!

  2. LOL Yes, we have plenty of attitude. I'm still not sending a Christmas card to Greg G.


  3. Fox news coming up with ignorant and uniformed stereotypes?? Why am I not surprised?? I do like the attitude comments though.

  4. Personally I think all the news programs are propaganda of one type or another. I skim them all, trying to figure out what's happening beyond their obvious biases. But you are right, we needlepointers have attitude with a capital A.


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