Yesterday Margaret wrote:
"I am waiting to see how you stitch the top orange and purple stripes. Will it be a bulky overturned knitted sock top or a spangle dangle banner effect? Also how are you going to do the green wig? Surely a squiggly wiggly loose ended stitch is called for. I'm watching to see."
You know, deciding what goes on the stocking top is a very interesting point. I could make it wooly and ribbed like a real stocking or do something more decorative. As you can see above, I'm going for more decorative. I am doing long cross stitches for the striped top. You can't really see how it looks yet as I only have two finished and a third started. But I didn't have any of the right colors in a wool or wool/silk thread and I did have leftovers from Autumn Leaves in the orange and red-orange. The stocking is painted with hot pink, too but I don't have anything that color so I'm going red-orange instead. In other words, what I am doing is dictated by what's in my stash. I don't have easy shop access so very often I must use what I have.
Even if I did have the right wool colors, however, I probably would not have used them. The silk/wool Felicity's Garden is perfect for a muted background, but do I want a muted striped stocking top? I don't think so. I want that to be over-the-top!
I also finished the background and dotted orange beads all about it in a regular pattern. Hope you can see them. They show up well in person but not in photos.
Hopefully tomorrow you'll see more stripes and can judge how they look. As for the green fright wig, you'll just have to wait and see!
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