The six Household Pet Guardian angel ornaments Kandace Merric designed in the early 1990s all wear costumes from various centuries. There's the Medieval Cat, the Renaissance Rat, the Tudor Dog, the Georgian Rabbit, the Baroque Fish and the Victorian Parakeet. The colors and stitches Kandy selected are typical for each period. I've deviated quite a bit on some angels (Holi is not Tudor, she is a mix of Hindu and Mexican cultures) but the original guardian angels all are solidly grounded in historical costume and color. What you see above is the new 20th Century pet guardian angel-- the Art Nouveau Suger Glider.
When I wrote asking permission to use the pet guardian angels for the ANG Auction, Kandy immediately volunteered to stitch two new angels for the set. What you see above (minus the background) is the first of the two new angels. The 21st Century angel will appear when she is ready as we get closer to the ANG Auction date.
You can read about sugar gliders here. My nieces had one and it was really cute, but I don't think they are terrific pets as they are nocturnal. They are active when we are not. But they make superb pet guardian angels!
The Art Nouveau sugar glider adds a great deal to the appeal of the ANG Auction pet guardian angel ornaments. Unique and made with love by the incredibly talented hands of Kandace Merric herself, this pet guardian angel is not diagrammed in the magazines. Thank you, Kandy, for creating a new angel to raise funds for ANG and to delight us all.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow