Saturday, November 18, 2023

Shops Raising Funds for Israel

Two shops are raising funds for Israel. is donating fifty percent of the sales of their Kirk and Bradley "Jerusalem" travel round to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Gone Stitching has two fund raisers that contribute to Yashar Lachayal, which is a non-profit that provides soldiers of the Israel Defense Force with toiletries, food and beverages, warm jackets, and other creature comforts.  Light Candles for Israel is a kit with two tea lights, a 13 count canvas, threads, guide and a Planet Earth self-finishing coaster.  This is new and not on their website yet.  Their first fund raiser (three versions of the Israel flag) is on their home page.  

K's Creations has a limited edition floor stand with a blue base. One hundred percent of the proceeds will be donated to the Jewish Richmond Federation Israel Relief Emergency Fund.  Contact Westend Needlepoint in Richmond VA at 804-562-4285 for details and to order.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright November 9, 2023 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.