Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fancy Work and Fantasies: A Tale of Hapsburg Lace UPDATED

Ruth has been working "Hapsburg Lace" which you'd think is a style of needlework, but it isn't.  She explains here--

The best place I know of to pick up some of the Fancy Work and Fantasies charts now is Alex Paras, the online arm of Thistle Needlework.  Ruth linked to the site in her article above.  Don't miss the very beautiful "Eterna" which is my favorite of Carol Costello's designs.

The Pampered Stitcher on Etsy also has some of Carol's work.  Use the Search This Shop box in the middle of the page to see them all.

These designs are from the 1980s but they are classics all the same, even if they are over thirty years old.  After all, when WE hit our thirties, we were just coming into our prime!

UPDATE: By coincidence Julie posted a Tanja Berlin design called Hapsburg Lace on Facebook this morning.  The second link below describes her classes using this technique.  Thanks, Julie!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright September 14, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.