Wednesday, June 12, 2019

An Easy Beard Tutorial

Kevin just posted this photo of a design he's working on, and it sparked a lot of questions about how he did Santa's beard.

He kindly shared the steps on Facebook and also allowed me to share the information here.  The description is below. The photos start on Facebook here.  Use the right side arrow to see them all.

"Some of you have asked for more detail explanation on how I achieved Santa’s 🎅🏻beard. 
I can’t do a video, lack another set of hands, here are step by step pictures.

1. cut a couple of inches of a 3-ply fiber, I used alpaca
2. secure and bring up thread, drop the needle
3. separate 1-ply
4. holding 1-ply, pull down on the 2-ply
5. thread the single ply back on needle and plunge back into the curl
6. repeat securing and bury the end
7. trim the 2-ply end"

Thanks, Kevin!  It looks easy, just a little time-consuming.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright April 24, 2019 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.