Thursday, February 21, 2019

The End for the 2018 Stitch-A-Long at NJNA

The New Jersey Needle Artists (NJNA) chapter of ANG did a stitch-a-long last year based on Lorene Salt's "Autumn Kaleidoscope."  Not everyone participated but they all had a lovely time.  You can see the various color ways on the chapter's website.  And if you are going to Woodlawn's exhibit this year, check out Barbara's "Stars for a New Millennium."

The chart for Stars and for Autumn Kaleidoscope are available at many shops.  These are just the top search results I got.

The same shop that has Kaleidoscope also has a kit using the custom threads for this color set, just in case you are interested.  Any shop can kit out one of the many color ways Tony has listed in Stars.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright January 30, 2019 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.