Here's Joanne to tell you in her own words how Beatrice came to be stitched.
"When Jane asked me what ornament I wanted to stitch after I volunteered, I said, I don't care, you choose. Then I saw the pictures she sent me and I said, definitely the RAT, I love the rat! I loved her florentine dress, both the colors and the stitch, and since I was in Florence last year, I felt she was calling to me. I named her Beatrice in honor of Dante's Beatrice and in memory of my trip.
I didn't change much, if anything, of the original instructions except changing the cotton threads for silk. Since I liked the colors, I pulled the DMC colors and matched them in a combination of Needlepoint Inc and Splendor. The only thing I'm sorry about is that the beautiful Gloriana perle I chose didn't cover the canvas well, so I stuck with floss. Her wings are floche with a little bit of blending filament, her face is Burmilana, and her halo is pearl purl with some tambour thread accents. Since Jane had asked for a DMC ecru background to match the other angels, that's what I used.
And now we wait for the finishing instructions - Jane swears I can do it!"
Of course you can, Joanne. Once I finish my parakeet, Pat finishes her rabbit and Margaret finishes her dog, we'll start finishing. I'm going to rough out instructions, Pat (who is a marvelous finisher) will look over them, then we'll all jump in and finish our angels. I'll post the instructions we used here and the other stitchers will finish their angels so that we have a similar-looking set to auction off to one lucky bidder at the ANG Auction during the Milwaukee Seminar this fall.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow