Ever since I learned to read, I've had my nose in a book. I was just thinking last night how many canvases remind me of a favorite book. So this morning I did a little looking and I found the designer Labors of Love (distributed by JB Designs which is under Julia's Needleworks; I know it is confusing but telling your shop all these names helps you to order what you want).
Page one has perfume bottles and paper dolls and fairy canvases--three of my favorite things! And there's the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, a book I read my baby brother when he was two.
Page two has Sheherazde from the Arabian Nights, one of my favorite books! Cleopatria keeps her company and there are matching frames for finishing. All those hours I read Egyptian history....
Page three has the 1930s style couple At the Ball (photo above) and At the Opera (think Lord Peter Whimsey and his posh friends), plus more characters from Alice in Wonderland. Wait a minute! Isn't that the same guy escorting two different women?!
Page four treats us to all the the Wizard of Oz characters! There's a darling Victorian angel, too.
Page five has the cutest Halloween canvases I've ever seen. The little devil-and cat-costumed kids and Dracula are hilarious and charming at the same time. The not-so-scary werewolf (I think it actually is a cat in a sweater pretending ferocity) and the cross-eyed Frankenstein crack me up.
Page six ends the show with the last of the Halloween characters, this time a little Victorian girl with her pumpkin. Good thing--Frankenstein is one of the most horrible books I've ever read.
What a show! Thanks, Labors of Love.
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