Monday, June 10, 2019

A New Style Thimble from Clover UPDATED

Shannan at Bobbin and Fred has done a thimble review about several styles of thimbles. I don't often use thimbles in needlepoint but if you do or you want to try using one, they aren't very expensive.  They also make hand sewing much easier.  I do use them when finishing ornaments.

Because Shannan's in the UK, I did a search to see if the open-sided thimble is available in the US.  It is.  Remember, it comes in two sizes only.

UPDATE:  SL says these are not actually new.  She's seen them around for quite a while here in the USA so anyone interested ought to be able to find them fairly easily.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright April 24, 2019 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.