Saturday, December 28, 2013

The South African Bead Junkie Speaks

Was I surprised to find the South African embroiderer Hazel Blomkamp loves beads enough to stock beads in her online store? Nope. What stitcher does not love beads?!  (Some of us don't like them on our stitching, true, but we love to look regardless!)  Hazel's announcement about now carrying beads is worth reading even though we here in the States have easier access to beads than Hazel does.  She has lots of photos in each section that demonstrate wonderful ways to use that bead shape in embroidery.  This is a good series of articles to bookmark for inspiration later.  Hazel is wildly inventive in every way and that shows in how she uses beads.

If you want to see good pictures of the various types of beads Hazel is talking about, visit her website.  The photos of loose beads are good enough that you can see the shapes and the finishes, although you'll have to click on thumbnail photos to get a good look.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

A Book Review: Bead Embroidery

Mary Corbet takes a careful look at the Royal School's newest book, The RSN Essential Stitch Guide--Bead Embroidery.   It looks like an interesting book with a lot of information that can apply to finishing and to canvas work.  Anyone seen a copy?  Can you tell us just how useful you think it will be for a needlepointed who wants to add beading to their skill set?

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.