Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cape Cod Dogs

Here is the same picture again in a different format, for your viewing pleasure to tell me which image format gives us better images. Thanks for letting me know!

My plan for the weekend is to finish up the couching on South Seas Fiji. I haven't worked on my second piece at all this weekend as I found it too hard to count correctly after a long day at work. But I really want to get this section finished before Monday rolls around again.

Who turns the clocks forward on the weekends anyway? They always are much shorter than the same 48 hours during the work week!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at

Brown Wood Paneling

Last night I finished stitching the shadows under the bar and also finished the dark wood paneling under the window.  The lighter raised wooden areas are done in Trebizond, a silk perle thread that is fatter than the overdyed Wildflowers cotton perle I am using for the dark brown shadows and wall paneling.  The picture shows both threads lying on top of the canvas so you can see how the tent stitches in Trebizond (the lighter curl of thread) are fatter than the Wildflower ones (the dark brown thread across the mermaid's face).   I took advantage of this size difference to make the raised wood strips (Trebizond) that separate the panels more dimensional than the background tent stitches (Wildflowers).  Both threads are stitched in tent stitches but they look different because of one thread is shiny silk and fatter than the other which is a dull cotton.  

I like using the various characteristics of threads this way.  I didn't have to come up with another stitch for the raised area on the wall.  Just using a different thread in the same stitch gave me the effect I wanted.  By the way, I used two colors of Trebizond (865 Mocha Cream is the dark reddish-brown and 863 Mocha Cream is the lighter shade).  

I hope you can tell that the denser shadow area is all stitched now.  It makes the floor look very light.  

The next step is to work on the wall between the window and the bookshelves full of liquor bottles.  I think I might use the same brick stitch I used for the window glass....

By the way, I am posting this photo twice.   It dawned on me when I asked everyone to look at yesterday's photo and compare it to the day before yesterday's, that the earlier image was one of two in a blog entry.  This probably reduces image quality.   So this time I am posting one photo per entry and asking you guys if you see any difference.  Please let me know if you prefer Brown Wood Paneling's photo or South Seas Fiji's.

Thanks for being my guinea pigs!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at