The title says it all--I added an eye and silver bead bubbles to the Baroque Fish over the weekend. I'm still working on the background and also the top part of the skirt. Note the front of the skirt where it should meet tent stitches has no tent there. I wanted to wait and see where the skirt stitches would logically end and then put in the tent stitches. Remember, this is an outlined canvas and you don't want those outlines to show. I want to put in the tent stitches where they meet the figure later to both hide those lines (which might show through the ecru thread) and to compensate evenly.
The eye is a length of Sparkle Rays in seafoam green covered by a lazy daisy stitch that is tacked down at the top and bottom but not in the middle. I thought it looked good as is and didn't take the loop down on the right hand side.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow