The March stitch for Tony Minieri's Glittering Kimono project is up. The stitch is called Kimi Stitch. It's done in two parts. First you lay down a diagonal line of cashmere stitches, then you fill in the gaps between rows with a tent stitch, then a backwards leaning long stitch.
But before you start, MAKE SURE that you look at the road map diagram that shows where March/Stitch 2 belongs. I think Tony is tinkering with the placement of stitches because the first road map I printed out has this stitch as the wide ribbon that runs down from the right hand side shoulder. You'll find the road map at the bottom of this page. Click on the link and a PDF page will open. Make sure you understand where to put the March stitch before you start, especially if you printed this out early on.
In the photo above I've done my offset cashmere stitches using 2 plies of Gloriana silk # Jewel Blue on both sides, being very careful to leave 12 threads between each section for the edging trim. I also was careful to make sure my collar is 6 stitches high. It is a little difficult to make the curve of the collar but I probably can hide the rough area where the collar and edge trim meet the Kimi Stitch.
On the upper right side I've started filling in the empty spaces between the cashmere stitches with Kreinik #8 braid in 329. Note that Tony uses more plies and a larger metallic thread but I only had the right color of canvas in congress cloth so I am forced to go lighter weight and fewer plies to make this work. Not much of this step is done but the stitch diagram just appeared on the ANG website and insomnia only allows so much stitching time before you fall face down on the sofa!
It is a very pretty stitch and looks quite delicate. Makes you wonder who Kimi is and how she came to have a stitch named after her....
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow