Monday, December 28, 2020

Breaking News: A New Book from Sandy Arthur UPDATED

Sandy Arthur has a new book out!  It's called Leaping Through Leaves.  

Sandy's blog has a brief description, a photo of the cover and one of the included stitches, plus the table of contents.  There are at least 48 pages so it's larger than Sandy's last book, Can Do Hairdos book, which was all about creating hair.  Both are small spiral bound books, perfect for tucking in your stitching tote bag.  I loved Can Do Hairdos.  It was the sort of book you never want to end, there were so many great ideas!  So I am looking forward to the new book.  It's ready for the shops to pre-order and will start shipping in January sometime so if you want a copy, let your favorite shop know you want them to get it for you.

UPDATE:  The shops are starting to get copies of Leaping Through Leaves.  Here is what Homestead Needle Arts has to say about it.

UPDATE #2:  A bit more about the book and the best price I've seen.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright December 27, 2020 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.