Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to Create Santa's Beard

Kristine Kingston is a stitch guide writer, painted canvas designer, teacher and and finisher who has works with Needles and Threads of Ruxton, which is in the Baltimore suburbs.  Now Kristine is adding blogging to her list of accomplishments.  Her article on stitch ideas for Santa beards is a Must Read.  Click on the photographs for a better look at the finished Santa beards using the stitches she recommends.  Then bookmark this for the next time a beard stumps you.

Here's the Needles and Threads of Ruxton website.  Click on Finishing to see some of Kristine's finishing.

I put a brief profile about Kristine's stitch guides on the CH Stitch Guides blog. Here's the direct link if you are tired of riding the magic carpet to the stitch guides blog.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

Do You Think Glenis Has Forgotten My Stars?

If I post this link to Penny's version of Stars for the New Millennium she's just started, do you think Glenis will be distracted from the fact I've not worked on my version for a year?

No, I don't think so either but at least we can all see Penny's great stitching.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

From Mini Mystery to Full Design

Laura Perin's latest design "Cotton Candy" grew out of one of her Monday Mini Mystery free designs.  It's fascinating to see how the Mystery piece grew borders to become a full chart in Laura's collection.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at