Last night I carefully ripped out the Gloriana overdyed silk I had used for the largest mermaid's tail and replaced it with two plies of a mystery floss (which I think might be Aver A Soie but I'm not sure) and one ply of a Soie d'Alger silk floss. (I'm still using the Helen's Lace stitch, by the way. I think it is going to work nicely with a bit of manipulation.) The mystery floss is very dark forest green and the Soie D'Alger is more spruce in color. This adds a tinge of dark blue to the forest green. Mixing the threads gives me a less green color for the mermaid tails and matches the color painted on the canvas pretty closely. I very often don't change colors of my painted canvases since I buy them because I love the color scheme. So I am often scrambling to match the color with my threads.
I also tent stitched the face of the smaller background mermaid. Both mermaids are tanned so I am using darker colors than normal in silk for their skin and faces. There are no pictures this morning as I didn't have time to scan one. When I get a chance tonight I'll update this posting with a photograph although I have to say there is not much to see yet unless you think mermaids and dogs without eyes or noses interesting. It looks spooky to me!
In other news, Needlenook of La Jolla has updated their website with photos of six of the twelve holiday fairy pieces all stitched and made up. These are their Raymond Crawford monthly club.
Three Kittens has a traditional Twelve Days of Christmas club this year from Shelly Tribbey, using her little round ornaments.
The Needlepointer has done something interesting for their newest monthly club. They are offering Amy Bunger's 24 chapters of stitches and two binders to hold them instead of a series of designs. It's a clever way of tempting folks who don't really want a new series to stitch into parting with a bit of cash each month.
Now that should keep you busy until I get a scan posted tonight!
Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at http://profiles.yahoo.com/chillyhollow