Sunday, September 8, 2024

Melita Tackles Fibonacci Swirls, Designed by Olivia Hartshorn

The next ANG chapter project Melita's going to participate in is Olivia Hartshorn's Fibonacci Swirls.  You can see the finished model on the Cyberpointers website.  It was their March 2024 counted canvaswork project.

Melita is planning to stitch this twice in two color ways, one on Congress cloth, one on 18 count needlepoint canvas.  You can see her thread choices here.  The black and white photo is to check that there's enough contrast in the threads she choose for 18 count.

She's changed her mind about the shades in the purples version but both it and the autumn shades version are started.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright June 24, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.