The late Elaine Warner of Needle Necessities introduced overdyed Kreinik metallic thread to us at least five years ago. I loved that stuff! In the photo above you see a small packet of it in lilacs and greens from my stash (color 2078) on the right side. You may still be able to buy it packaged this way if your shop hasn't sold out. I think my package of lilac and green is #4 Kreinik braid but the label doesn't say.
Luckily ThreadworX is making this available to us again. Through the generosity of a friend I have some of the new colors to show you lined up on the left side. The colors are (top to bottom) 71122 (silver), 71043 (copper and a silvery green), 71154 (reds, blues, green, yellow, orange, purples and pink), 71072 (orange and yell0w), 71148 (yellow gold and copper) and 71077 (copper). These are all the #8 braid size of Kreinik.
Here is ThreadworX's website where you can browse the overdyed metallic colors as well as other threads they offer. Almost all the colors are offered in #4, #8 and #12 sizes.
This is a wonderful thread. I especially love stitching bullions with it but it works well in any situation where you'd use a regular metallic thread. I am planning to use some of it on my next pet guardian angel for the ANG Auction, in fact.
Happy browsing!
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow