Sunday, December 13, 2009

One Eyed Jack

I ran out of time yesterday before getting a photo of my progress on my Noh mask up on Blog, so here is all my progress.

Lots has been done.  I've completed the old gold coin stitches across his forehead around the center where the larger circle stitches are.  These also cover the crescent-shaped painted areas to the side of his eyes but they aren't shown in full in this first photo.

I've also done horizontal straight stitches (2 plies of my Lacquered Gold Gloriana silk, remember?) across the bridge of his nose and in the areas to the left and right side of his eyes.  I've started doing straight stitches in the nostril area, but only the right side is done.

I've also started on his eyes, covering them (same number of plies but in the various thread colors I've used before) in stem stitch, working from the outside edge in.  Where the stem stitch doesn't cover well, I've inserted split stitches to cover.

I need to stitch the other eye and the other nostril.  After that, I need to think about this for a bit.  I am starting to think that I need to pull out the jaw stitches I've done and use my Lacquered Gold Gloriana silk there, too.  Look at the first photo.  Do you think the jaw needs to be mostly gold, too?  If I don't do this, will the jaw look like a separate thing and not part of the mask?

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at

Beth Wishes Us Merry Christmas

Yesterday's mail brought me a great surprise--a handmade Christmas card from one of Blog's readers.  Here it is in all its glory.  I'll use it as my "portrait" until New Year's to celebrate the holidays and thank its creator, Beth in Illinois.

Beth's blog is here.  You'll find some wonderful holiday ornaments and a sampler underway, plus Beth's warm personality shows through in her writing.  It's a lovely place to hang out during the holidays.  Head over and thank Beth for the scrapbooky card which she sprung on me out of the blue and which is totally in the spirit of giving during this season.

Thank you, Beth, for the wonderful card and the lovely sentiment that sparked its creation.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at