I stumbled across this article about Ai-generated craft books today.
The focus of the article is on bobbin lace but I've heard there are stumpwork books that are Ai rip-offs now. It's only a matter of time before this hits needlepoint.
Why is this a problem? It's two-fold. Most of these books are geared toward beginners who are given bad information. And the people selling these books are unscrupulous; they are pretending to have knowledge they do not have. They are using Ai to throw together books that often violate copyright to make cash without any thought for the person buying a book that's a fraud.
These Ai-generated books do a disservice to us all. Keep an eye out for them and warn your stitching buddies when you stumble across one. Use social media and needlepoint websites and your favorite shop to find good books through personal recommendations from actual needlepointers.
Together we can keep this sort of thing at a minimum.
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