Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Rozashi by Margaret Kinsey

Brenda has become enamored with rozashi, a 7th Century Japanese style of embroidery done on a special ground fabric called ro.

Brenda's been taking classes from Margaret Kinsey, whose website is here.  This is the page on rozashi but there is more here for the curious needle worker.  Have fun exploring.

I found two photos of rozashi being worked that shows the ro fabric well.  This is from a Japanese site.

This is from a blog that appears to be defunct now.  But the photo is revealing.  I hope you enjoyed seeing a totally different style of stitching.  It's always fascinating to see what other needleworkers do.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright February 11, 2018 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.