Jude's Skateboard Witch |
Now that the TNNA show in Columbus is over, I've started browsing designer websites, looking for updates of the newest painted canvases. So far, here's what I've found:
Renaissance Designs has some wonderful little kimono doll kits that might be perfect for teaching that child in your life to stitch. As usual, their Halloween pieces are wonderful and that standup Patchwork Santa is pretty amazing, too.
Colors of Praise does wonderful birds and flower designs, but look! There's a geisha, too!
Amanda Lawford has added some wonderful animal designs, particularly the funny dog pieces starting on page 7. No geishas were spotted. :(
Canvas Candy has new juvenile and Christmas ornament/canvas sets. (The geisha is under Asian. LOL)
A Dragon's Tale is featuring new fairy tale canvases based on her sister's paintings. Since I love fairy tale canvases almost as ones with Asian themes, we'll let the lack of a geisha slide here.
I believe the garden pieces are new also.
Jude Designs has added some wonderful things to her line. There's a magnificent Madonna and Child and the totally hilarious Skateboard Witch you see at the top of the page. No geishas but her 12 Cajun Days of Christmas totally makes up for the lack.
Finally, Julia's Needleworks has six pages of new designs. Howl at the Moon Diva will capture some folks' eye while others will be totally charmed by the 3-D prairie dog needlepoint. There is a Nativity set, a series of fashion plate ladies, Toby jug canvases, and an elephant on a flying carpet. Fans of Peter Ashe will enjoy looking at his small round Nutcracker ornaments.
Unique New Zealand has some wonderful geometrics and a line of hilarious Keep Calm signs.
Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com and at http://chstitchguides.blogspot.com