Three more pet guardian angels have arrived in Chilly Hollow for their photo shoot before heading off to the ANG Auction in Milwaukee this fall. Like their sisters, they are wonderful! I've added their pictures to the slide show of all the angels on the left side of the page. Just click on the issue of Needle Pointers with the originals on the cover to see the ones I've received to date. In alphabetical order, here are the newest pet guardians--
The first angel to arrive (and the first alphabetically) is Beth's Medieval Cat (shown above). Beth used purple on her angel on her daughter's advice paired with red (one of my favorite color combos!) to create this angel who shouts Charleston! to me every time I look at it. I am totally charmed by the purple feathery boa trim on her jacket (sorry, the scanner mashed it down a little) and I like how her skirt is one pattern instead of the original model's two. This angel has a darling fuzzy Wisper face and paw, and wings of white and gold.

Joanne's Beatrice the Renaissance Rat celebrates Joanne's love of Italy. I'm sorry the photo doesn't show the gold rays of light coming from her halo, her pink pearl nose, or the delicate wings which have white paint showing through the tiny stitches. In person she is spectacular!

Margaret's Tudor Dog is a Golden Retriever in the original colors of white and navy and gold, but the individual touches on this ornament make it totally different from its twins. The collar and sleeve are particularly beautiful and I love the dog's ear! The hearts on the underskirt are against a shimmery white opalescent background. This is a lovely angel indeed. Actually, they are all fantastic. I would have a hard time picking a favorite as each is marvelous and beautifully stitched and finished.
Many thanks to the angels who've been stitching for the Milwaukee ANG Auction. They will be sold as a set as groups of ornaments and larger pieces are the ones that bring in the big bucks and this is a fund raiser to support ANG's programs which we all enjoy.
Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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