Friday, January 9, 2015

Needlepoint Now Goes Small

The January 2015 issue of Needlepoint Now magazine is out and it includes the design for a miniature sampler from Janet Granger, who is an English needlepoint designer specializing in miniature rugs, chair seats, purses, table items and more for the doll house collector.  Janet's getting in the spirit of things by offering folks who want to stitch this the materials kit, including frame, so you can create your own tiny sampler in a few evenings from the comfort of your favorite stitching nest.

All you have to do is find the code in the magazine article, head to Janet's website (where lots of things are on sale in January--enter at risk to your pocketbook!), and enter the code when you cheek out.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright January 8, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Susan's Gift

SJ Designs' "18th Century Sampler"

There have been quite a few free counted canvaswork designs released in December so I'm just now getting around to sharing them all. This one is from Susan Johnson at SJ Designs, home of great beads and great counted designs. It is a pretty interlaced ribbon design that comes both in Christmas and Hannukah colors.

Fans of counted work (or beads) should explore Susan's site. I order from her periodically and can vouch for her great customer service, which is only exceeded by the quality of the beads she sells.

No, I don't buy her charts (I can't count to three consistently) but her "18th Century Sampler" is going to test my resolve when it comes out this winter.

Thank you, Susan!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
© Copyright January 2, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.