Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Victorian Ribbons and Monogram Cyberclass

Feeling a little old fashioned these days?   Are you a mix of French and Victorian?  Celebrate that state of mind by taking a Laura Perin cyberclass for her Ribbons and Monograms piece.

The class will start after the Christmas holidays but you can sign up now.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
and at http://chstitchguides.blogspot.com
@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

How to Use Glow in the Dark Threads

Kreinik has written a short essay on how to use their glow in the dark threads (with lots of tips) for the Mr. X Stitch site. It's a fun read and might inspire you to create something wonderfully glowing for next Halloween (or any holiday, really).

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
and at http://chstitchguides.blogspot.com
@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

Susan Portra at Work

Vicky jumped in the car and took a quick trip to Aristeia Needlepoint's retreat at the Ritz Carleton in Laguna Niguel.  She showed off some of the pieces Susan Portra was working on at the retreat, including the great Girls on the Dock piece by Patti Mann and a wonderful gingerbread house from Shelly Tribbey that is good enough to eat.  Susan is currently stitching a Brenda Stofft roll up Santa cone that is going to be spectacular when she finishes it.  (This will be a class she will teach next year.)


Thanks for the eye candy, Vicky!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
and at http://chstitchguides.blogspot.com
@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.