Sunday, January 28, 2024

Dimensional Dog with Stitch Diagrams

Stephanie at Ridgewood Needlepoint is stitching one of the Sew Much Fun dimensional stuffed animals as part of their New Stitch Monday series.  These designs come with stitch guides but Stephanie is using her own stitches.  In this first entry from Ridgewood about this piece, she explains Scotch and Cashmere variation and includes a diagram.

Stephanie did more Scotch stitch combos for her dog.

The next two sections have stripes, one Stephanie made up when she miscounted the section.  It looks fabulous, proving that mistakes are when we get really creative.

The back of the first leg has a very pretty Hungarian variation.

More of the first leg, this time a Milanese variation.

The last of the first leg, using a Parisian stitch which is one of my favorites.

Now the second leg is started.

More on leg number two.

I think we are working one of the two front legs now.

The front leg with lots of stripes was apparently a lot of fun.

The second front leg is cute.

This is the last of the front leg stitching.

The ears, head and gussets are the last things to be stitched.

Here are good photos of the finished dog, posted by Stephanie to Needlepoint Nation.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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© Copyright January 9, 2024 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.