Last night I managed to keep from adding more to Holi's wings. It was hard but somehow I restrained myself. Amazing how far my formerly restrained self will go on this piece!
Instead, I added to the basketweave background. I have the hem of the skirt, the diagonal heart underskirt and some finishing touches on top of various areas to go, so I really need to get a lot of the background done. Since this is just background in basketweave I didn't bother with a picture. But I do have pictures for you of other folks' stitching which you'll find quite interesting.
My newest Needle Pointers arrived last night with an article about stumpwork and a beginner's project. That reminded me of this wonderful beading blog and this particular article that talks about how larged beaded scenes are done. the mechanics of this make sense to you, check out this site. your brain is whirling with possibilities, let's go see Ann Stradal who is stitching another of her lighthouses. This time it is the lovely Sanibel Island lighthouse. You'll want to read all the entries about this wonderful piece to see the sand stitch she invented, how she did the sky and the new thread she choose for the support struts of the lighthouse., since I know you love interviews, here is Jane, Stitching Up a Storm in Alamo City, explaining how she started to needlepoint. that you are busy reading, it's back to basketweave for me!
Jane/Chilly Hollow Main blog at