I'm rearranging the furniture here at Blog this morning. I get bored with the same old look and when you open a surprise package you get in the mail and find the little Kathy Schenkel stocking shown on the right, well, it's time for a new header to welcome visitors to The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure!
This darling treat, customized for me, was a present from Judie Solomon of Thistle Needleworks in Connecticut. You may remember that I interviewed Judie here a few weeks back. Judie graciously sent me photos of some of her stitching, including little KS Designs mini stockings she'd stitched for her kids. I jokingly asked to be adopted and Judie took me up on it!
There are many more little KS Designs mini stocks that come with felt animals and other things like my hospitality pineapple. You can see some of them on Judie's needlepoint site--
Thank you again, Judie. It was a special treat and it is beautifully stitched. Wish you guys could see the tiny details. I stitch a lot for other folks but rarely receive a needlepoint piece made just for me. I appreciate it!
And many thanks to Kathy Schenkel for allowing me to use her hospitality stocking as a header to welcome folks to Blog.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at http://profiles.yahoo.com/chillyhollow