Monday, July 1, 2019

Tea Time

A friend and I were talking about tea cozies which are used a lot in the United Kingdom but are much rarer here in the USA. But there are some wonderful needlepoint designs meant for tea cozies. Here are the ones we found—

Janet Granger has some really darling miniature tea cozies meant to be stitched on silk gauze.

She's in the UK but you can buy from her Etsy store.

If you are more into stitching painted canvases, how about these two from Ziva?

Or these from Needlepoint Inc.?  They are more expensive because they are double-sided with gussets.

Kirk and Bradley has several abstract designs that might appeal.

Ehrman has a classic rose tea cozy that is beautiful.  Since it is printed on 12 count canvas, it'll stitch up fast.

Let's drink (tea or coffee, your choice) to these!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright May 7, 2019 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.