Sunday, July 29, 2018

From Tiger to Polar Bear

Janet Granger just posted a photograph of some of her dollhouse rugs, all stitched on 18 count needlepoint canvas using one strand of Appleton's crewel wool.  Appleton's crewel is one of my favorites because I love the colors available and it works so well on 18 count.  You can see how lovely Janet's rugs are stitched with this.  As for the title, look at the tiger rug in the photo.  That was stitched from one of Janet's charts, then the stitcher turned it into a polar bear rug!  So clever….

If you want to do a little browsing, here's Janet's website with the tiger rug kit.  Click on Products and let your imagination fly!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright July 19, 2018 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.