I finished the Renaissance Rat this weekend by adding a gold metallic belt (The #16 braid is couched down with matching gold in the #4 braid), a wire halo wrapped in the gold and then the red and gold Kreinik (which is a bit mashed in the photo since she was laid face down on the scanner for a picture), a gold lace collar made with my #4 braid in three rows of blanket stitch, a shiny black nose and eye in black metallic Cresta d'Or, and a little fancy gold stitch on the sleeve using gold Accentuate.
She was a lot of fun to do in the various metallic threads, the nylon Patina and the red silk Trebizond, and of course the lovely browns in Impressions.
Next up, the Tudor Dog. I also have to do the Georgian Rabbit but I decided to do the dog next since I had an eye about the colors I wanted to use for the dog.
Before I forget, Nordic Needle has a lot of threads on sale. Browse the link to see if the brand you prefer has a color you need listed.
Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chillyhollow