Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Town and Country Gives Permission to Wear Needlepoint

Thanks to Jane V. who mentioned this on Facebook, I have an online article from Town and Country counting all the neat needlepoint wearables available. 

They don't mention you can stitch these yourself for less money and a higher quality, not to mention getting precisely what you want.  But once again we discover we needlepointers are trendy as all get out.

Here's a bit more about Tucker Blair's goods.

Here is the Smathers and Branson website.

Just in case you feel the need to go preppy without the fun of stitching these things, you know.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
and at http://chstitchguides.blogspot.com
© Copyright March 25, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

The BIG List of Online Textile Collections

Thanks to Mary Corbet, I have discovered "The BIG List of Online Textile Collections," which is simply a page of links to online museum collections of textiles which include handwork.   This list is maintained by Yvette Stanton or Vetty Creations, so if you know of an online resource that isn't listed, please let her know.

There's a lot of information here.  I plan to bookmark this and explore the sources looking for needlepoint as I have time.  I hope many of you will join me.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at http://chillyhollownp.blogspot.com
and at http://chstitchguides.blogspot.com
© Copyright March 22, 2015 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.